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Aegis Business Credit Announces Recent Transactions

Date: Feb 12, 2015 @ 07:34 AM

Aegis Business Credit announced its latest client relationships:

Building Materials Fabricator- $1.5 million factoring facility
A Florida based fabricator of exterior trim elements for residential and commercial structures required working capital to finance its turnaround plan and growing project backlog.  Aegis was able to structure a working capital facility with enough capacity to fund growth as well as help the company to become more efficient in manufacturing and project management ultimately, enabling the client to increase both sales and profits.

Mobile Communications Infrastructure Provider - $1 million asset-based line of credit
Florida based wireless services provider faced the need to finance their rapidly growing customer base. Their existing bank lender was unable to provide sufficient working capital. The Aegis team was able to provide a creative structure supporting enough working capital for the client to generate new business and take advantage of strategic opportunities. 

Precast Concrete Manufacturer - $3 million asset-based line of credit
Southeast based producer of precast structures required an innovative and creative approach to restructuring their credit facilities in order to ramp up production to meet the increased demand for driven by federal road projects. As a result of working very closely with the client, Aegis was able to anticipate their needs and provide additional working capital to finance accounts receivable and inventory, allowing the company to take advantage of new opportunities.

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