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SB360 Capital Partners Begins Closing Sales for Teen Retailer Justice

September 24, 2020, 09:10 AM
Filed Under: Retail

SB360 Capital Partners, one of North America’s leading asset disposition specialists, announced that it commenced store closing sales in an additional 23 Justice stores located in 13 states.

Justice is a destination store for tween girls and the store closing sales in the 23 Justice stores will feature great deals on all products. Justice customers can expect initial discounts of up to 50% off the original price on a full selection of clothing, shoes, accessories, toys, and more.

“The Justice stores offer a wide array of tween girl fashion merchandise and accessories at really affordable prices,” said Aaron Miller, Executive Vice President of SB360. “Plus now, these stores have new arrivals of seasonal classics and new trends. We encourage customers to shop early for the very best selection.”

Ziggy Schaffer, Executive Vice President of SB360, offered insight from the last round of Justice store closing sales. “Demand was unbelievably strong, and the Justice customer clearly understands value,” said Mr. Schaffer. “With the store closing discounts of up to 50% off, this will be another very quick sale.”

The Company continues to prioritize the safety of its associates, customers, and community by closely monitoring all state and local guidelines. Safe shopping practices have been implemented across all stores and will continue to be modified and updated based on local conditions and directives.

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