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News Stories (29 Results) - Rabobank

Sucro Limited, a leading growth-oriented sugar refiner, successfully completed a new syndicated credit facility with Rabobank. This continued financial partnership will provide Sucro Limited with the capital needed to accelerate growth, expand... Read Story
September 20, 2024, 07:30 AM

ARM Energy Services, a private energy marketing firm and one of the leading North American physical natural gas marketers, entered into a $110 million senior secured revolving credit facility with Rabobank as administrative agent, book runner and... Read Story
June 09, 2023, 07:51 AM

Primergy Solar, a leading developer, owner and operator of utility-scale solar, distributed solar and energy storage, announced the closing with Rabobank of a $75 million revolving credit facility with the option to increase up to $200 million. The... Read Story
December 28, 2022, 07:20 AM

Sucro Can Sourcing, a rapidly growing integrated sugar refiner, and Rabobank announced the successful closing of a $225 million senior secured credit facility. The revolving credit facility, which initially launched at $175 million was considerably... Read Story
September 02, 2022, 07:38 AM

Origis Energy, one of America’s leading renewable energy platforms, closed a $375 million credit facility for its solar and energy storage development project pipeline. This innovative facility for the renewable energy industry bundles Letter of... Read Story
May 04, 2022, 07:48 AM

Rabobank will provide a $50 million debt facility to help Redaptive, Inc., a San Francisco-based company that provides energy and metering solutions to companies in a variety of industries, expand its commercial and industrial customer base. Rabobank... Read Story
July 14, 2021, 07:23 AM

Rabobank and Mercon Coffee Group closed a $500 million sustainability-linked senior secured revolving credit facility led by Rabobank.The transaction refinances an existing facility with pricing linked to key sustainability initiatives measured by... Read Story
May 11, 2021, 07:29 AM

After recently completing its fourth utility-scale wind project, Scout Clean Energy, a Colorado based renewable energy developer, owner, and operator, established a $50 million letter of credit facility. The facility will primarily be used to provide... Read Story
April 27, 2021, 07:30 AM

Rabobank has appointed two of its top executives, Tamira Treffers-Herrera and Robert Sinescu, to become Co-Heads of North American Client Coverage, positioning the Bank for future growth in the region.Treffers-Herrera has also assumed the role of... Read Story
December 18, 2020, 08:15 AM

Gunvor USA closed the syndication of its US$1.1 billion borrowing base credit facility. The facility includes a US$500 million accordion feature, which remains available to support future growth.The proceeds of the facility will refinance Gunvor... Read Story
November 24, 2020, 07:40 AM

Dean Foods Company announced that it and substantially all of its subsidiaries have initiated voluntary Chapter 11 reorganization proceedings in the Southern District of Texas. The Company intends to use this process to protect and support its... Read Story
November 13, 2019, 08:55 AM

Pipeline Foods LLC, the first U.S.-based supply chain solutions company focused exclusively on organic, non-GMO and regenerative food and feed, announced that it has successfully completed the renewal and syndication of its operating line led by... Read Story
September 26, 2019, 08:40 AM

Mechanics Bank and Rabobank, N.A., a subsidiary of Rabobank Group, announced Mechanics Bank and Rabobank Group have entered into a definitive agreement pursuant to which Mechanics Bank will acquire Rabobank, N.A. in a strategic business combination... Read Story
March 18, 2019, 09:02 AM

Rabobank, a global food and agribusiness bank, announced the expansion of its Food and Agribusiness (F&A) Innovation team in North America as part of its commitment to strengthening client relationships and contributing to the F&A industry of the... Read Story
November 28, 2018, 07:16 AM

Herbalife Nutrition announced that it has closed a new $1.25 billion senior secured credit facility, which consists of a $250 million revolving credit facility maturing August 2023, a $250 million term loan A maturing August 2023 and a $750 million... Read Story
August 17, 2018, 08:00 AM

Julie Castle has been named president and chief banking officer of Rabobank N.A., a $14-billion, nationally chartered bank and unit of global financial services provider Rabobank Group. Castle oversees multiple business lines including retail banking... Read Story
August 31, 2017, 08:00 AM

Herbalife Ltd., a global nutrition company, announced that it has closed a new $1.45 billion senior secured credit facility, which consists of a $150 million revolving credit facility maturing 2022 and a $1.3 billion term loan maturing 2023.   “This... Read Story
February 16, 2017, 06:37 AM

Wells Fargo Capital Finance announced Eric Baymiller will lead Direct Loan Originations for the Western U.S.  The Loan Originations Group, led by Jim Marasco, delivers flexible and customizable asset-based financing structures to a wide range of... Read Story
May 24, 2016, 07:51 AM

SUPERVALU INC.announced it has completed the repricing, amendment and extension of its existing $1.0 billion asset-based revolving credit facility, which is secured by the company’s inventory, credit card and certain other receivables and certain... Read Story
February 05, 2016, 08:02 AM

Timothy Mellencamp recently joined MB Financial Bank as a Senior Vice President, Food and Agribusiness (F&A) Division Manager. He is responsible for leading a team who will provide, among other services, financing and treasury management solutions to... Read Story
December 04, 2015, 07:23 AM

Rabobank recently named Donald Meltzer as Vice Chairman, Head of Mergers & Acquisitions for its North America Wholesale banking division, serving the bank’s food, beverage and agribusiness clientele in the U.S., Canada and Mexico. Meltzer will be... Read Story
April 07, 2015, 07:13 AM

Smithfield Foods, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of WH Group Limited, entered into a new revolving credit facility totaling $1.025 billion with Rabobank Nederland, New York Branch, as administrative agent. The new credit facility replaces the... Read Story
April 06, 2015, 07:39 AM

SUPERVALU INC. announced it has successfully completed the amendment and extension of its existing $1.0 billion asset-based revolving credit facility (the “Revolving ABL Facility”), which is secured by the company’s inventory, credit card, wholesale... Read Story
October 01, 2014, 06:41 AM

Penford Corporation closed on new $170 million credit facilities on August 1, 2014, replacing the company’s prior revolving credit agreement. The facilities consist of a $145 million 5-year revolving credit agreement and a $25 million 6-year delayed... Read Story
August 04, 2014, 07:46 AM

Empire Resources, a distributor of value added, semi-finished metal products, announced it has entered into a new $225 million working capital credit facility with an international consortium of banks, led by Rabobank International as lead arranger... Read Story
June 24, 2014, 07:36 AM

Gunvor Singapore Pte Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Gunvor Group ("Gunvor" or the "Company"), has launched a US $350 million syndicated revolving credit facility, which will support new investments and existing operations in the... Read Story
April 28, 2014, 07:04 AM

SUPERVALU INC. announced it has successfully completed the repricing, amendment and extension of its existing $1.0 billion asset-based revolving credit facility, which is secured by the company's inventory, credit card and certain other receivables... Read Story
April 18, 2014, 07:52 AM

NewStar Business Credit, a division of NewStar Financial, Inc. has hired Ron Montgomery as a senior vice president and will open a new office in Los Angeles.  Montgomery will expand NewStar Business Credit’s marketing and origination efforts on the... Read Story
September 12, 2013, 07:39 AM

Salem Communications announced the early settlement of its previously announced cash tender offer for any and all of its $213.5 million aggregate principal amount of 9.625% Senior Secured Second Lien Notes due 2016. In conjunction with the offer... Read Story
March 15, 2013, 07:12 AM