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News Stories (20 Results) - Santander

BlackRock and Santander announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) by which funds and accounts managed by BlackRock will invest up to US$1 billion per year in select project finance, energy finance, and infrastructure debt... Read Story
September 27, 2024, 08:05 AM

BlackRock and Santander announced that funds and accounts managed by BlackRock will provide financing on a $600 million diversified portfolio of infrastructure credit across communications, energy, power and transportation sectors via a structured... Read Story
April 11, 2024, 08:31 AM

EdgeCore Digital Infrastructure, a wholesale data center developer, owner and operator, completed a $1.9 billion debt financing transaction to fund scalable development on its data center campus in Mesa, Arizona. This transaction provides a template... Read Story
January 05, 2024, 07:37 AM

Origis Energy, one of America’s leading renewable energy platforms, closed a $375 million credit facility for its solar and energy storage development project pipeline. This innovative facility for the renewable energy industry bundles Letter of... Read Story
May 04, 2022, 07:48 AM

Wells Fargo & Company announced Scott Powell has been named Chief Operating Officer effective Dec. 9. He will serve on the company’s Operating Committee and report directly to CEO and President Charlie Scharf. Powell most recently was CEO of... Read Story
December 03, 2019, 09:00 AM

The Boards of Directors of Santander Holdings USA, Inc. (Santander US) and Santander Consumer USA Holdings Inc. (SC) announced several executive changes.Timothy Wennes has been named Santander US CEO and Country Head, effective immediately. Wennes... Read Story
December 03, 2019, 08:55 AM

The Boards of Directors of Santander Holdings USA, Inc. (Santander US) and Santander Consumer USA Holdings Inc. (SC) have approved several senior management appointments to further strengthen Santander's US leadership teams.In the coming months the... Read Story
July 25, 2019, 08:57 AM

North Mill Capital LLC announced the promotion of Heidi Ames to Senior Vice President. Ames, who joined North Mill in 2010 as an auditor, is now a senior account executive handling a portfolio of asset-based clients and is responsible for new... Read Story
October 21, 2016, 07:15 AM

Santander has hired Charles J. Arrigo II as Senior Vice President in its Asset-Based Lending (ABL) group. Arrigo is based in Santander’s Miami office and is responsible for originating and managing asset-based credit facilities. ABL is a key growth... Read Story
September 27, 2016, 07:46 AM

Blue Hills Bank has hired bankers A. Keith Broyles and Yvonne Kizner to lead its new Asset-Based Lending initiative. Formerly senior vice president and first vice president, respectively, at First Niagara Commercial Finance, Broyles and Kizner join... Read Story
March 24, 2016, 07:59 AM

Blue Harvest Fisheries announced the acquisition of seven Massachusetts-based scallop vessels and related shoreside assets from Harbor Blue Seafood, Inc. and related affiliates (“HBS” or “Harbor Blue”). Blue Harvest now owns 15 scallop vessels and... Read Story
March 21, 2016, 07:46 AM

TerraForm Power, a global owner and operator of clean energy power plants,announced it has increased total commitments to the five-year revolving credit facility of its wholly-owned subsidiary TerraForm Power Operating, LLC by $100 million to $650... Read Story
May 04, 2015, 07:26 AM

Santander Bank, N.A. announced that Vincent Belcastro has been appointed as the group head of equipment finance. He will be responsible for growing the team and business focused on financing activities for equipment lending, leasing, and structured... Read Story
March 20, 2015, 07:59 AM

Merkle, a leading technology-enabled, data-driven customer relationship marketing (CRM) firm and the nation’s largest privately held agency, announced that it has closed an amendment to provide capacity to upsize its credit facility to $325 million... Read Story
November 14, 2014, 07:24 AM

American Midstream Partners, LP announced today the execution of an amended and restated credit facility to increase the borrowing capacity to $500 million, with the option to further increase the borrowing capacity to $700 million, and to extend the... Read Story
September 09, 2014, 07:03 AM

People's United Bank announced a team of four seasoned professionals has joined its Commercial Banking group in the eastern Massachusetts market. Led by John Doucette, Senior Vice President, Region Manager -- most recently, Market Manager, New... Read Story
March 25, 2014, 07:51 AM

Architectural Window is a nationally recognized leader in designing, engineering, manufacturing and installing custom designed windows for high-end renovations and new construction based in Rutherford, NJ. The Company's products are typically used in... Read Story
March 19, 2014, 07:26 AM

Santander Bank has appointed Michael Richard senior vice president and head of seafood industry banking. In this role, Richard will oversee the bank's seafood focus within the asset based lending division.  His responsibilities include execution of... Read Story
March 18, 2014, 07:46 AM

Wells Fargo & Company has provided a £75 million ($102.9 million USD) line of credit to Legal & General Property (LGP), one of Europe’s largest institutional asset managers and a major global investor, for its second UK Property Income Fund... Read Story
March 12, 2014, 07:13 AM

The Commercial Finance Association (CFA) announced the appointment of Michael Maiorino as President of the Association. Maiorino was selected by the CFA Board of Directors to succeed NewStar's Michael Haddad, who became CFA Chairman."Mike's... Read Story
October 08, 2013, 07:29 AM