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International Factoring Association Names Four New Members to Board of Advisors

June 03, 2014, 07:28 AM

The International Factoring Association (“IFA”), the largest association of the commercial finance industry, has announced that four new members were appointed to its Board of Advisors. The new advisory board members will serve a two-year term and will assist the IFA in broadening the public understanding of the uses and benefits of factoring and help to both design training programs and foster new ideas to benefit its member organizations.

The additions to the Advisory Board include:

  • Mike Hilton, Co-President of Brookridge Funding
  • Niko Kluyver, Partner of FactorPlus
  • Marc Mellman, COO and General Counsel of TemPay, Inc.
  • W. David Tull, Chairman of Crestmark Bank

Advisory Board Members returning for the second year of their term include:

  • Tina Capobianco, Vice President of JD Factors
  • Steve Hausman, President and CEO of Advance Business Capital, LLC
  • Julie Regenold, President of TradeGate Finance, Inc.
  • Stuart Rosenthal, Executive Vice President of Prestige Capital Corporation

"We are very pleased to have the opportunity to bring the expertise and insights of such a distinguished group of individuals to the advisory board,” said Bert Goldberg, Executive Director of the International Factoring Association.  “I look forward to working with all of them throughout their term.”

Headquartered in Avila Beach, California and with over 415 corporate members, the International Factoring Association is the largest association of commercial finance companies in the world. Members include factoring companies, asset based lenders and other receivables finance companies. Since 1999, the International Factoring Association has provided a forum for member organizations to meet and discuss issues and concerns, share best practices, disseminate information and promote a single voice to the marketplace. The principal spokesperson for the factoring and receivables finance industry is the International Factoring Association’s Bert Goldberg. 

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