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Tiger Finance Posts Record Growth in Fiscal 2024

January 23, 2025, 08:15 AM
Filed Under: Industry News

Tiger Finance's lending platform committed more than a quarter of a billion dollars in Fiscal 2024 to support the growth initiatives and working capital needs of borrowers from across the U.S. economy.

Loan volume grew throughout fiscal 2024 and reached a record $277 million of new commitments. Tiger Finance tapped its relationships with large money center banks, independent private finance companies and financial intermediaries to serve more than a dozen borrowers in all.

New commitments included split-lien term loans, revolving lines of credit, FILOs and bridge loans for department stores, a discount retailer, a musical instrument retailer and several specialty apparel retailers. In addition, Tiger met the capital needs of an EV battery tech company, a furniture wholesaler/ecommerce operator, and an Amazon aggregator.

"The rapidly changing marketplace along with the impact on how goods and services are sourced and distributed has resulted in strategic investment and growth opportunities for borrowers," noted Bob DeAngelis, Executive Managing Director/Group Head, Tiger Finance. "Given these dynamics, Tiger Finance's ability to quickly access the situation and provide flexible financing solutions is a high priority for these companies."

Tiger Finance's understanding of asset values is grounded in its valuation and asset monetization practice, each entailing billions of dollars of assets annually.

"This asset knowledge has been an indispensable resource as borrowers sought to achieve business objectives such as financing seasonal working capital needs, acquiring critical equipment, and financing real estate as part of a strategic acquisition or repositing of an operating strategy," DeAngelis said. "Tiger Finance continues to expand its offering and grow its lending platform and is already off to a great start in 2025."

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